Now Seeking Nominations
for 2024 Impact Awards!
Nomination Deadline December 1, 2023
Impact Awards! recognize individuals, nonprofit, and for-profit entities that exemplify the Women’s Impact, Inc. mission to help women Unleash Power and Realize Potential through Education, Connection, and Recognition
Please consider making a nomination of a person or entity (man, woman, for-profit, or nonprofit) that has worked to advance women in the workplace.
This year we ask you to identify a primary category of contribution by your nominee.
EDUCATION: This person or organization has helped women unleash power and realize potential through education. They’ve invested their time, skills, financial resources, and/or network. One might describe this person or organization as one or more of the following: having a distinctive approach to supporting women in improving skills; actively raise awareness of issues women face and solutions to overcome them through teaching, mentorship, writing, speaking, and/or funding scholarships.
CONNECTION: Through professional or volunteer support of women, this person or organization has advanced women to unleash power and realize potential through connection. They’ve invested their time, skills, financial resources, or network. One might describe this person or organization as one or more of the following: they are uniquely approachable in the way they introduce women to traditionally male skill sets or knowledge; they are uniquely innovative and have brought together people, ideas, organizations, and/or services that created new opportunities for women to grow; they actively nominate women to seats of decision-making on local boards or organizations.
RECOGNITION: This person or organization has advanced women to unleash power and realize potential through recognition. They’ve invested their time, skills, financial resources, or network. One might describe this person or organization as one or more of the following: they acknowledge ordinary and extraordinary acts of other women formally and/or informally; they mentor women to draw forth more confidence and executive presence.
RISING STAR: This person or organization is within the first ten years of their career/existence and is a great role model of leadership for women.
LEGACY: This person, now retired, has a legacy of pioneering and paving the way for women to unleash power and realize potential through their career history. Living or deceased, we honor the people who were the “firsts” that created extraordinary changes.
Link Her to Impact Awards! Nomination Form or Scan the QR Code
Mark your calendar for Saturday Morning, April 13, 2024
2024 Impact Awards!
9:30 a.m. Reception | Program and Brunch at 10 a.m.
Prestwick Country Club | 3751 Glen Eagles Blvd. | Uniontown, OH 44685