About Membership

Membership in Women’s Impact, Inc. reaches far beyond traditional networking and professional development opportunities. The deep relationships formed result in a safe space where members have the freedom to take risks, be vulnerable, and receive support and encouragement to follow their dreams.
The membership year runs July 1 – June 30. Members are billed annually, with invoices sent each July. Members who join the organization mid program year pay dues prorated by quarter in accordance with the membership level chosen. All memberships are individual and are not transferable to other people.
Women’s Impact, Inc. gladly welcomes members who are committed to the mission and core values of the organization regardless of gender, gender expression, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
Choose the membership level that is right for you.

Membership Levels
$140 annually
$250 annually ($110 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution)
$1000 paid once every five years. Founder memberships must be paid in full in the first year; renewable every five years. ($300 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution)
$5000 (Lifetime membership, one-time gift. ($2,200 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution)
Visit the FAQ page for answers to common questions or contact us directly by emailing womensimpactinc@gmail.com or calling (330) 236-9938

What Members Have to Say
Women’s Impact, Inc. is making a positive change in members’ lives. Discover what our members have to say about their experiences since joining Impact.

Women’s Impact, Inc. provides an energizing arena for women of purpose and passion to enrich their own and each other’s lives. Through connection, education and recognition, Women’s Impact, Inc. encourages members to unleash their power to realize their full potential.