Frequently Asked Questions

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How does membership in Women’s Impact, Inc. benefit my business, my community, and me personally?

Individuals, businesses, and community organizations all report higher levels of productivity and achievement when the people associated with them are inspired, happy, and valued. Members of Women’s Impact, Inc. offer each other a safe, non-judgmental space to grow and explore, to find mentors and friends, and to build relationships with people who are driven to help others recognize their gifts and articulate their value.

How do I join Women’s Impact, Inc.?

Take the first step by completing the on-line application form for membership in Women’s Impact, Inc. Upon receipt of the form, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of the application with a request for any needed follow-up or clarification. Next, you will be contacted by a member of the membership committee who will reach out to welcome you. An invoice will be sent under separate cover.

Do I need a sponsor to join Women’s Impact, Inc.?

You do not need a sponsor, although the membership application requests the names of two current members who you know. This lets us know that you have some familiarity with the organization. If you do not know one or two people who have given you an overview of who we are and what we do, please contact the executive director at As a courtesy, people you list on your application are notified that you officially made application so that they can welcome you to Women’s Impact, Inc.

Who can join Women’s Impact, Inc.?

Women’s Impact, Inc. welcomes members who are committed to the mission and core values of the organization regardless of gender, gender expression, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.

What does it cost to join Women’s Impact, Inc.?

Choose the membership level that is right for you:

General Membership: $140 annually

Sustainer Membership: $250 annually ($110 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution).

Founder: $1000 paid once every five years (Founder memberships must be paid in full in the first year; renewable every five years. $300 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution).

Legacy: $5000 (Lifetime membership, one-time gift $2,200 is tax deductible as a charitable contribution).

The membership year runs July 1 – June 30. Members are billed annually, with invoices sent each July for the year. Members who join the organization mid program year, pay dues prorated by quarter in accordance with the membership level chosen. All memberships are individual and are not transferable to other people.

How often does Women’s Impact, Inc. meet?

Women’s Impact, Inc. offers a robust calendar of events that are held at different times and at different venues throughout the year. Some programs, like book club and the mid-month mingle, meet at the same time each month; other programs meet alternating months and yet others are scheduled as speakers and facilitators are available. Please visit the program and events section for a complete list of our current program descriptions, meeting times and dates.

What happens if I change jobs or leave the community?

Regardless of how a membership is paid, membership remains with the individual through professional or personal moves. All memberships are individual, which is consistent with the organization’s commitment to help each person unleash her power and realize her potential for the overall betterment and advancement of all women.

How can I learn more about Women’s Impact, Inc.?

Contact Women’s Impact, Inc.: or call (330) 236-9938.

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